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She took to the yacht, visited the mosque and went for some amazing shopping at the mecca of shopping in Dubai.

We spoke chahatt Khanna and here is what she has to say, " the vibe is great in Dubai and Abu Dhabi and just soaking in the energies is so much fun. There is huge crowds but there is something ethereal about these cities. I love it out here. I have a lot of friends in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. The food is absolutely amazing and the shopping is .. what do i say? It's the best in the world. I can't get enough of this place. The place is just mind blowing if you know what to explore. "

Chahat khanna is on a high post her performances in prasthanam. She is on a high and we are really looking forward to a rocking 2020 from her. We wish all our audience a happy new year.

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